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APRS is a registered TM of Bob Bruninga

 User # 148528
Last updated on  
Sun, 22 Sep 2002


Location of APRS Stations currently digipeating through the International Space Station

 List of APRS Emergency Beacons recorded - last 24 hours

 Track, Location, Current Position and Messaging of APRS Stations

 Location(s) of call     

Wildcard permitted (Example: N1BQ*)

 View track for call    

Use specific CALL-SSID (no wildcard)

 For track displays on detailed maps go to the APRS Track Page.

 Messages from/to call 

Use specific CALL-SSID (no wildcard)
Find APRS Stations in vicinity of:

 By callsign:      

Use specific CALL-SSID (no wildcard)

 By zipcode (US only):

 By latitude  and longitude

(negative for southern and western hemispheres)

To see current APRS activity in specific regions on detailed maps

 Call in * - all stations, or N1*, or W1*,W2*,KA7*

Warning - large scale maps will have positions distorted somewhat!

APRS Weather Stations: View Weather Data - Use specific CALL-SSID (no wildcard)

 Table summary   from call for the last hours

 Graphic summary from call for the last hours

Find APRS Weather Stations in the vicinity of

 By Call

 By zip code (US only)

 By Latitude   and Longitude 

(negative for southern and western hemispheres)

Display Raw Data for Specific Station - Use specific CALL-SSID (no wildcard)

Position -  for call start hrs ago, get hrs of data

Weather - for call start hrs ago, get hrs of data

This page has been accessed   148528  times since 31 July 2000
It was last updated on
 Sun, 22 Sep 2002 at 1840

The forms on this page access the cgi query scripts written by Steve Dimse (k4hg@tapr.org) and retrieve data from his APRS server database at http://www.findu.com/. The html/web based concept was derived from a page written by Dennis Sell, N9WTM