KPC3+ (PLUS) Version 8.3 Settings (and 9.1) WIDEn-N DIGIs 5 Apr 05 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update 8 Nov 2007 to clarify that "W2" in a digi text means that W2 is the current local recommendation for that area. Before it was sometimes interpreted as the truncation limit. Update 24 Jan 07 to clean up the BText recommendation for local repeaters Update 18 Oct 05 to include 9.1 ROMS This applies to all 8.3 and 9.1 ROMS running on the KPC-3+ (PLUS) TNCs. With one small change (noted below), it also applies to KPC-3+ TNC's running the last version of the 8.2 ROMS ending in "7265". The difference is noted below in section 4) and "6E". Typically, all KPC-3+ digis already support the basics of New n-N Paradigm, that is, WIDEn-N digipeating. But there are better ways to use these features that have been developed since January 2005. The key to the new approach is to add path tracing to WIDEn-N and to add TRAPPING of large values of N at all digipeaters to help eliminate out-of- area large n-N abuse. The new approach traps the large n-N's at their source, but still allows the user to be heard at least locally. These new DIGI settings also support SSn-N state or section routing to allow for larger N's but limiting their QRM factor outside of their states. All of these New-N Paradigm digis are marked with an "S" overlay to indicate they are new and support SSn-N routing (an "L" if they don't support SSn-N). FIRST: RESET the TNC to factory defaults to get rid of legacy errors. Then set the proper settings for APRS that are not the TNC defaults. Set these as below: INTFACE - Terminal. So you can enter the remaining parameters HID OFF - These packets are of no value to APRS CD SOFTWARE - For the best collision avoidance method UIDWAIT OFF - To speed up the response TXD 18 - To shorten the TX delay by 40% from the 300ms default XMITLVL xxx - Set TX modulation level to less than full distortion! SECOND, eliminate the settings that are detrimental to the network. 1) UIDWAIT should be OFF. (the default). With it on, your digi is not doing the fundamental APRS fratricide that is the primary mechanism for minimizing channel loading. All digis that hear the same packet are supposed to DIGI it at the SAME time so that all those copies only take up one additional time slot. (but outward located digs will hear it without collision (and continue outward propogation) 2) UIFLOOD should now be set to SS,30,ID to support your local State or ARRL section nets (where SS is your state abbreviation (can also be SSSn-N if needed for ARRL sections such as Western PA, etc)). Notice this is a complete reversal to previous recommendations that wanted NOID to be set. Now we want ID ON. This is because we now will get full path tracing for WIDEn-N in the UITRACE parameter. Also, with the SSn-N paths, we can get FIRST and LAST digi identification if users use the path of WIDE1-1,SSn-N. These packets will arrive as DIGI1,DIGIn*,SSn-N, showing the first and last DIGI's used. 3) Properly set up the DIGI's beacon packet. Use the following trick using the BLT, LTP and LT parameters for frequently alerting local users to the DIGI's status every 10 minutes, but not propogating these packets at high rates farther outward. The recommended way to still cover the same area with decent 10 minute local and 30 minute surounding copies is shown below. Go to the web page for all the details: BLT 1 EVERY 00:30:00 START 00:00:00 BLT 2 EVERY 00:30:00 START 00:10:00 BLT 3 EVERY 01:00:00 START 00:20:00 BLT 4 EVERY 01:00:00 START 00:50:00 LTP 1 APN383 LTP 2 APN383 LTP 3 APN383 VIA WIDE2-1 <== One hop, but does not bring up WIDE1-1's LTP 4 APN383 VIA WIDE2-2 <== equivalent to a user path of WIDE3-3> This results in a local ID once every 10 minutes, one hop every 30 mins and 2 hops every 60 minutes. Remember that 2 hops from a DIGI hits all the same stations that a 3 hop path does from a home station. There is a different method for DIGIs in very sparse areas that also provides a WIDE3-3 beacon once every 2.6 hrs. See the web page above. 4) Your TOCALL in both the UNPROTO and the LTP's should use the TOCALL of APN383 where APN identifies it as digipeater firmware. The "3" identifies it as a KPC-3 and the "83" identifies it as ROM version. NOTE, that settings for -early- version 8.2 ROMS are different and in a different file, and that version 9.0 should not be used at a DIGI, or should be upgraded to the 9.1 Kantronics release. See the APRS list of TOCALL versions for details of this naming convention. Obviously if you are using a 8.2 or 9.1 then use APN382 or APN391... 5) Your UNPROTO path for the BText should only be DIRECT (APN382 with no VIAs) since it is used for your local BText which should contain information only of *local* value. A good thing to put there is an OBJECT indicating the best local voice repeater (with its position) for travelers passing through your area. Be sure to include the frequency and PL. The following BText format has been determined to be the best overall display of APRS club and Traveler Repeaters on the D7 and D700 and HAMHUD displays. The "-" in the frequency name shows that the repeater uses a (-) offset. BText ;146.835-a*111111zDDMM.hhN/DDDMM.hhWrT123 R45m Net 9PM Th AARC BEACON EVERY 10 UNPROTO APN383 This beacon object is sent DIRECT only to indicate on the front panel of D7 and D700 and HAMHUD displays of travelers in the area to alert them to the best voice repeater for Travelers or for other APRS operators. We used to suggest ECHOlink, IRLP or WinLINK objects here, but those should already be on APRS having been originated globally by the IRLP and ECHOlink servers. . Notice how the TONE or DCS is included along with useable RANGE and any other text are formatted to fit nicely on the 10x10x8 byte windows on these front panel displays. For details see the web page: 6) IMPLEMENT THE New n-N Paradigm changes. A. Set UIFLOOD SS,30,ID to support your SS State or SSSS ARRL section. Since the geographic area covered by these DIGIs is limited, then the damage for large n-N QRM is also limited. Notice we want ID enabled and that this is different than before. Before we wanted NOID. Now, with SSn-N we want ID ON so that we get first-&-last path identification. B. Set UITRACE to UITRACE WIDE,30 so that now WIDEn-N is traceable. This eliminates the need for the old WIDE,WIDEn-N path that used to generate so many dupes. And eliminates the great ID-vs-NOID debate! BB. Set UIDUPE to 30. This is a new command in version 9.1 roms. C. Remove the obsolete "RELAY", "WIDE", "TRACE", and "SS" aliases which are obsolete. Also the rearrangements of the UIFLOOD and UITRACE parameters also get rid of the obsolete TRACEn-N system. D. Set UIDIGI ON, WIDE4-4, WIDE5-5, WIDE6-6, WIDE7-7. These specific aliases act like traps because this digi will digipeat them once and then no farther. The closer you get to a high density area, the smaller N's you should limit. In typical WIDE2-2 METRO areas, set UIDIGI to include WIDE3-3,WIDE4-4,WIDE5-5,WIDE6-6. Also, if you are getting lots of W4-1 packets, for example, from a distant city that is not trapping 4-4 at the source, you can also trap those specifically by adding WIDE4-1 to your UIDIGI alias list. For more on this be sure to see how we did it in Los Angeles, and prevented anything above two hops from getting into the Los Angeles Basin. 6.E. SPECIAL NOTE FOR KPC-3 DIGIS WITH THE LAST 8.2 VERSION 7265: This ROM will not work right with WIDE1-1,WIDE2-1 mobile paths unless one of the UIDIGI Aliases includes WIDE1-1. So in those digis, set UIDIGI ON WIDE1-1,WIDE4-4,WIDE3-3,WIDE3-2. 7) Please set up the DIGI POSITION PACKET format to clearly inform users what is supported using the CONSISTENT recommendations below so that users can see from any digi exactly what the network is doing in an area: a) Always start with the PHGXXXX data (see my DIGIS.TXT file) b) next, a list of capablities, such as "W3, SSn-N". This means this digi recommends WIDE3-3 or less and supports SSn-N paths. c) The overlay character between the LAT/LONG should now be an "S" to show it as a new WIDEn-N digi under the New n-N Paradigm. The "S" shows that it supports SSn-N. If it is new and does not for some reason support an SSn-N, then give it an "L" overlay. d) If you feel you must use the altitude /A=001377, please add it at the end, not first. Since those first 20 bytes are what the D7 and D700 users see and the other stuff above is more important. In my opinion, Altitude is redundant since the more valuable info of height above average terrain is included in PHG. CONCLUSION: The best way to set up an APRS digi is to FIRST do a RESET or RESTORE to FACTORY DEFAULTS to make sure you dont have any bad settings that have crept into your system. Then the ONLY commmands you have to change are the ones below. For the Local-Direct BText advertising a local voice repeater, I assumed a local Voice repeater on 146.940 with a PL of 107 for this example: MYCALL XXXXXX MYREMOTE XXXXXX INTERFACE TERMINAL RTEXT (your secret password string) BText ;146.835-a*111111zDDMM.hhN/DDDMM.hhWrT123 R45m Net 9PM Th AARC UNPROTO APN383 <== ID's the KPC-3+ ver 8.3 local,direct no VIA's HID OFF CD SOFTWARE TXD 18 XMITLVL xxx <== adjust to well below distortion point LT 1 !DDMM.hhNSDDDMM.hhW#PHGphgd W2, SSn-N new digi in kalamazoo, etc LT 2 !DDMM.hhNSDDDMM.hhW#PHGphgd W2, SSn-N new digi in kalamazoo, etc LT 3 !DDMM.hhNSDDDMM.hhW#PHGphgd W2, SSn-N new digi in kalamazoo, etc LT 4 !DDMM.hhNSDDDMM.hhW#PHGphgd W2, SSn-N new digi in kalamazoo, etc all of the LTexts should be identical so the Position Beacon is not always changing and using up the new-posit LOG files on every user's PC... BLT 1 EVERY 00:30:00 START 00:00:00 BLT 2 EVERY 00:30:00 START 00:10:00 BLT 3 EVERY 01:00:00 START 00:20:00 BLT 4 EVERY 01:00:00 START 00:50:00 LTP 1 APN383 LTP 2 APN383 LTP 3 APN383 VIA WIDE2-1 <== notice this is a 1 hop path. LTP 4 APN383 VIA WIDE2-2 UIDIGI ON WIDE4-4,WIDE5-5,WIDE6-6,WIDE7-7 UIFLOOD SS,30,ID