GENERIC CALLSIGNS FOR NATIONAL APRS EVENTS 20 Oct 2005 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The purpose of these National Generic Callsigns is so that APRS can be used to support connectivity between widely and sparsely situated groups on special events. Examples of such groups and generic calls are: SCOUTS, JOTA, GUARD, KIDS, SCR, REDCROSS, SATERN, ARES, RACES, MARS, CAP, SKYWARN FOUR-H, CQFD, YOUTH, ARMAD We can use FINDU.COM to get downloadable and printable lists of all stations that intend to participate in an event or are currently active in that event. Stations wanting to make contacts during the event can print out the list before going into the field, and then can send normal APRS messages to other stations on the list whereever they may be via the normal APRS-IS system. To make this automatic, here is how it works: 1) Prior to the event, stations desiring to be on a list simply send an APRS message to one of the National Generic Calls listed above. 2) In his 1-line message he can share any particulars that might be of interest to others. Such as location and special notes. 3) Anyone can download the list of all such stations for any given national generic callsign by entering it into the CALL parameter in the following URL: This system is in place and works. All we have to do for each event is make sure people know how to send their messages to appear on the list and how to download the list prior to the event. For the upcoming ARMAD event on 14 Novermber, just pur armad in place of "scouts" in teh above URL. EXAMPLE OF USE: For scouting's annual one-day JOTA or Jamboree-On- the-Air, for example, we want the capability for a JOTA station to send an APRS MESSAGE to other JOTA stations, but in APRS, you need to know the callsigns of someone to send any traffic. So those stations intending to participate should plan on sending a message prior to the event to JOTA so that they will appear on the list. All JOTA stations should download the FINDU.COM list for that JOTA callsign and take it with them to the field. During the event, then, you will have a list of calls and contacts you can try to make via APRS from anywhere on the planet. POSITIONS: Remember that once the IGates see traffic between stations A and B, then they will also send a courtesy POSIT so you also can see each other on the map. Thats how the APRS IGate systems are supposed to work. See you on the air on JOTA! de WB4APR-7