WA8LMF Mirror of WB4APR Website - 21 July 2008
OVERVIEW: The Automatic Packet Reporting System is ideal for making friends on the road during holiday travels to the national parks. This page evolved from my initial frustrations many years ago when visiting the Grand Canyon and not hearing anything on the National APRS frequency of 144.39 in the park.
Knowing I was surrounded by probably several dozen hams on any given day I realized we needed to concentrate as a community on supporting communications in the parks, even though most of us do not live anywhere near them.
Click here for a List of Parks with APRS
APRS on the Interstate: Also do not forget that one in every 500 people you pass is another HAM radio operator. On a busy interstate, you will pass another ham about once every 10 minutes. The best way to never miss an eyeball opportunity is to run APRS Voice Alert.
You are visitor number:
Since 1 May 2006. .